Industry News
In Other News
Digitization Spurs Growth of European Imaging Market
Toshiba and McKesson Announce Distribution Agreement
DR Company Wins Global Excellence Award
GE to Distribute Imaging Agent for Bladder Cancer
Scientific Developments, Broader Imaging Role Drive U.S. Utilization
Siemens Leads U.S. Ultrasound Radiology Market
Research Collaboration on Methylation Markers
Philips Medical Leads in U.S. Sales of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems
Alliance to Advance MRI-Guided Ultrasound
Siemens Acquires PETNet Manufacturing Center
Expanded Implementation of PACS in Europe
Siemens Ranked First in Manufacturer Ratings
GE Named Medical Imaging Company of the Year
Italian Consortium Acquires Esaote
Digitization in the European Radiology Market
Tyco to Split Into Three Companies
Optical Imaging Agent Licensed to GE
Ultrasound Firm Acquires Laryngoscope Maker
Partnership for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Strategic Alliance for Network Storage Systems
Alliance to Market 3D Imaging Systems
Alliance to Develop Optical Imaging for Breast Cancer
Digital Radiography Collaboration
MedImaging Industry News channel updates the reader on mergers and takeovers, on cooperative agreements and on trends in the healthcare imaging industry worldwide.