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Ultrasound Firm Acquires Laryngoscope Maker

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 18 Jan 2006
Diagnostic Ultrasound Corp. (DU, Bothell, WA, USA), a rapidly growing provider of handheld ultrasound instruments, has acquired Saturn Biomedical Systems, Inc. (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada), the manufacturer of the innovative GlideScope video laryngoscope.

Saturn's GlideScope video laryngoscope (GVL) assists with anesthesia intubations in surgery and in the emergency room (ER). Designed and developed to make the passage of a breathing tube into the airway during anesthesia safe, accurate, and easy, GlideScope is a significant improvement over the conventional laryngoscope widely used for this purpose. With its integrated camera, patented anti-fogging mechanism, and patented 50-60o viewing range, the larygoscope enables visual control of the endotracheal tube in its trajectory toward the airway. Its micro-video technology provides a clear image of the larynx and vocal cords on a display monitor, additionally assisting accurate endotracheal tube placement.

"The Saturn acquisition is a great step forward for our team, the Saturn team, and GlideScope technology,” said Gerald McMorrow, CEO, founder and chairman of the board of Diagnostic Ultrasound. "GlideScope solves an important, life-threatening medical problem. The patented GlideScope technology improves outcomes for difficult airway patients in surgery and in the ER, and it offers a new standard of care in airway management for anesthesiologists.”

Diagnostic Ultrasound specializes in application-specific ultrasound devices for the urology, acute care, primary care, and extended care markets. The company experienced double-digit growth in 2005.

Saturn Biomedical Systems specializes in practical research, development, and supply of new and improved medical devices and instruments for use in tandem with surgical procedures.

Related Links:
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Saturn Biomedical Systems

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