General/Advanced Imaging
Collaboration to Make Diagnostic Medical Imaging Less Hazardous Using Hyperpolarization Agents
A collaborative effort by scientists has led to the development of an innovative strategy that can considerably improve the capabilities of medical imaging with safer procedures for the patient. More...23 Oct 2014
Radiologists in Europe Launch Call for Action on Radiation Protection Measures
A Europe-wide Call for Action campaign has been launched comprising 12 points, which include encouraging appropriateness in imaging, keeping radiation doses within diagnostic reference levels, using the as low as reasonably achievable principle, emphasizing the need for up-to-date equipment, empowering patients, and joining forces with other stakeholders. More...23 Oct 2014
New Imaging Technology Shows Little Discrepancy Between Breast Cancer, Healthy Tissues
A new application has been effectively evaluated that will help surgeons better differentiate cancerous breast tissue from normal tissue, thereby decreasing the likelihood for repeat operations. More...30 Sep 2014
Image Analysis Algorithms Devised to Find Weak Spots in Muscles, Tendons, and Bones prone to Tearing, Breaking
Researchers have developed algorithms to detect weak spots in muscles, tendons, and bones predisposed to tearing or breaking. The technology, which needs to be further refined before it is used in patients, may soon help target minor strains and tiny injuries in the body’s tissues long before greater problems occur. More...09 Sep 2014
Diagnostic Imaging Tests Ordered by General Practitioners in Australia Nearly Double in 10 Years
A 45% increase in diagnostic imaging tests ordered by Australian GPs is being fueled by increasing GP visits, an escalating number of problems managed at doctor visits, and a higher probability that GPs order imaging tests for these problems, according to a new study. More...29 Jul 2014
In Other News
“Nanojuice” and Photoacoustic Tomography Combo Developed to Enhance Visualization of the Gatrointestinal Tract
Portable Optical Imaging Tool Designed for Concussion Evaluation
Optical Coherence Tomography Used to Image Pain Management in Labor and Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma
RSNA Gears up to Celebrate Its Centennial by Looking Back at its Role in Radiology
Diffuse Optical Tomography Brain Scanner Designed for the OR and Bedside
Radiomics Imaging Analysis Used to Visualize a Tumor’s Fingerprint to Predict Progression and Enhance Treatment
Real-Time Neuroimaging Technology Offers Glimpse Inside the Cell
Surgical Microscope Reveals Transparent Ocular Structures
Optoacoustic-Ultrasound Fusion Could Potentially Eliminate the Need for a Breast Biopsy and Track Early Response to Treatment
Secondary Light Emission Generated by Plasmonic Nanostructures May Improve Medical Imaging Technology
Special Glasses Help Surgeons Visualize Cancer
Imaging Technology Could Solve Childhood Disease Secrets
New Hand-Held OCT Device to Simplify Early Detection of Retinal Disease
Optoacoustic Breast Imaging Technology May Help Reduce Negative Biopsies for Breast Cancer
3D Optical Projection Tomography Imaging Detects Lung Cancer with High Sensitivity, Specificity
Optical Metabolic Imaging Identifies Breast Cancer Subtypes, Early Treatment Response
Molecular Imaging Meet Shows Biomarkers Key to Early Detection of Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s
Earlier Diagnosis of Melanoma May Soon Become Possible Using T-Rays
OCT Scanner Helps Diagnose Skin Cancers
Innovative Dye Improves Diagnostic Imaging
Microwave Tomography Imaging Used in Breast Cancer Prognosis
First Volumetric OCT Device Cleared in the US for Endoscopic, Esophageal Imaging
Intravascular Ultrasound/Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis Software Designed for Clinical Workflow Settings
MedImaging General Imaging channel provides a portal into the less common imaging technologies such as diffuse optical tomography (NIR), optical coherence tomography, electrical impedance tomography and more.