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External Beam Breast Radiotherapy Device Eliminates Motion Caused by Breathing

By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 11 Jun 2009
An innovative external beam breast radiotherapy device currently under development places the patient in the prone position to increase the separation of the target from the rest of the patient, and virtually eliminate motion caused by breathing.

Orbital Therapy, LLC (Bedford, MA, USA) has been issued a U.S. patent for a unique external beam radiotherapy treatment machine optimized for breast cancer patients. Using the device, the clinician will have full 360o access to the breast, allowing for modern treatment techniques to be delivered ranging from focal to whole breast irradiation. This device will include breakthrough integrated shielding, protecting the patient from unwanted exposure to radiation. Moreover, the integrated shielding will not require the healthcare facility to set up a traditional vault (bunker) to use the device, and will potentially allow for mobile application. Building a vault can easily cost US$1 million and is a major barrier to adding additional treatment units in remote and congested areas.

"For the first time ever with high-energy X-rays, the majority of the patient will be outside of the bunker during the treatment. With continued progress in early detection, patients are more concerned with long-term effects caused by unwanted radiation, which is unavoidable on a conventional treatment machine,” said Jason Koshnitsky, CEO of Orbital Therapy.

Orbital Therapy is marketing the ClearVue prone position table that was designed to address current and future requirements to deliver this promising therapy technique for use with conventional linear accelerators.

Orbital Therapy develops products for the treatment of breast cancer.

Related Links:
Orbital Therapy

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