Wearable Ultrasound Platform Paves Way for 24/7 Blood Pressure Monitoring On the Wrist
Posted on 26 Mar 2024
An innovative wearable ultrasound technology addresses the limitations of traditional ultrasound and has paved the way for cutting-edge wearable healthcare technology devices that could transform health monitoring and diagnostics.
Novosound (Glasgow, Scotland), a company specializing in high-resolution, flexible ultrasound transducers for wearable applications, has successfully scaled down traditional ultrasound components and integrated them into user-friendly, wearable formats. This breakthrough enables real-time monitoring of various health conditions while eliminating the need for bulky, stationary equipment. This innovative approach enhances patient comfort as well as paves the way for new possibilities in continuous health monitoring and preventive care. Novosound’s wearable ultrasound devices offer continuous, non-invasive monitoring while seamlessly integrating into the daily lives of patients. Designed for comfort and efficiency, these devices are revolutionizing the way clinicians approach health, from cardiovascular monitoring to obstetric care and beyond.

Novosound’s novel, thin-film, ultrasound technology is being used as a wearable ultrasound sensor for healthcare, including an intelligent, autonomous bladder monitoring device and wearable lung device for remote monitoring and future diagnosis. Their lightweight and discrete nature makes Novosound’s sensors ideal for integration into wearable devices. Novosound’s ultrasound technology enables continuous and real-time monitoring of blood pressure. This can especially benefit individuals with conditions such as hypertension by providing a constant stream of data that can be utilized to identify patterns and trends in blood pressure fluctuations. In contrast to traditional methods involving cuffs and other restrictive devices, Novosound’s wireless wearable ultrasound technology does away with the need for such accessories. This not only makes the monitoring process more comfortable for users but also increases their adherence to long-term monitoring. Novosound has now secured a patent for its ultrasonic instrumentation system and recently launched its related Slanj platform targeted at the medical and wearable device sectors.
“I’m really proud that Novosound has obtained the first patent for a wearable ultrasound system,” said Dr. Dave Hughes, CEO and Co-founder of Novosound. “This allows us to integrate and license the technology with smartwatch partners, looking deeper into the body and enhancing the measurements their optical and electrical sensors provide, opening up the holy grail of 24/7 blood pressure monitoring on the wrist.”