Next Gen Digital Mobile X-Ray System Redefines Workflow for Point of Care Imaging

By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 16 May 2023

Advancements in imaging technology have significantly improved diagnostic precision. However, radiologists and healthcare providers continue to face systemic challenges, negatively affecting patient care quality and patient volume. The advent of point-of-care imaging offers radiology departments the means to directly tackle these issues by providing broader service options and better patient care. Innovations in this space are resulting in increased patient volume and heightened patient satisfaction. Mobile X-ray systems, in particular, have experienced a surge in adoption due to their ability to overcome location constraints and provide on-the-spot diagnosis. Now, a high-performing and agile mobile X-ray system with an ultra-narrow body design is redefining the workflow for point-of-care imaging.

The uDR 380i Pro is United Imaging’s (Houston, TX, USA) third-generation mobile DR system that features a cutting-edge tablet X-ray console and integrates uVision, an inbuilt microphone, and an X-ray imaging acquisition system in a single unit. Its revolutionary ultra-slim body design and high-capacity power system redefine the limits of mobility in mobile DR imaging. The mobile DR system’s 47cm ultra-narrow body width permits easy navigation through complex environments, including tight corridors and compact spaces. The powerful HV generator and large-capacity X-ray tube combination ensure consistent high-quality imaging under heavy usage.

Image: The uDR 380i Pro digital mobile X-ray system (Photo courtesy of United Imaging)

The uDR 380i Pro comes with an inbuilt collimator camera and a multifunctional remote tablet, allowing the operator to observe patients, modify APR protocols, and preview images from a safe distance. The adjustable six-axis column of the uDR 380i Pro allows flexible positioning for all ER and ICU applications. Its high-capacity lithium battery and extremely lightweight frame allow for 80km of continuous travel or 800 X-ray exposures on a single charge. Its power assistance system lets the user smoothly control the system with one hand with the support of electric propulsion assistance. Intuitive fine-tuning buttons facilitate precise position adjustments to achieve optimal system placement. The lightweight 125um wireless flat panel detector delivers clear microstructure visualization and enhances diagnostic confidence, while an advanced X-ray scatter control algorithm ensures high image quality at a low dose.

Related Links:
United Imaging

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