FPD Dashboard Analyzes Performance by Anatomical Region
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 13 Nov 2018
A comprehensive digital radiology (DR) flat panel detector (FPD) performance dashboard automatically collects and aggregates system health and usage data into powerful analytical views.Posted on 13 Nov 2018
The Konica Minolta (Osaka, Japan) enhanced AeroRemote Insights dashboard, designed for AeroDR wireless FPD systems, streamlines user navigation through multiple dashboards with a customer-inspired application for analyzing performance. A color-coded anatomical map displays instant indication of performance metrics, guiding radiology managers to areas of interest as filtered by date, exam type, location, and technologist, pinpointing areas where improvements can be made.
Image: An FPD performance dashboard automatically reviews DR system health (Photo courtesy of Konica Minolta).
Using AeroRemote Insights, managers can evaluate department, system, or technologist performance from any AeroDR device by reviewing details such as image reject rates and reasons, dose indices, exam counts, and DR panel impact events. Included with AeroRemote Insights are live notifications that alert managers and support staff when electronic sensors integrate in to the DR panel indicates it has been accidentally bumped or dropped. At the same time, the actual AeroDR panel user is prompted to run a 30-second diagnostic check to ensure the DR panel is functioning.
Dashboard viewing is available on any web browser, with an app available for iOS or Android devices. In addition, results are emailed to all parties involved, including Konica Minolta Customer Care Center. If an FPD is damaged, a replacement can be delivered via same-day or overnight shipping. Installing a new panel involves inserting it into the docking station, selecting the quick replacement option, and following instructions. By leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) technology, users are not only alerted to drop events, but also encouraged to exhibit more careful handling of the expensive components.
“AeroRemote Insights offers a cost-effective, competitive differentiator to Konica Minolta customers. With this innovative approach to proactively monitoring our systems, we have revolutionized traditional service delivery,” said Kevin Chlopecki, VP of service operations at Konica Minolta North America. “We address our customers’ common productivity and performance challenges, allowing healthcare providers to stay committed to patient care. As a result, our service teams can gather data, predict appropriate responses and solve common issues, often before our customer knows of a situation.”