CT Scanner Launched for Full-Body and Volumetric Scanning
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 24 Apr 2017
A new 80-detector row (160 slice) CT scanner designed for full body imaging and routine volumetric scanning, and aimed at the mid-tier CT space, has been launched.Posted on 24 Apr 2017
The Computed Tomography (CT) scanner has a 78-cm bore, and can provide reconstruction speeds of up to 50 images/second, at full resolution, with 0.5 mm slices.
The new Aquilion Lightning 80 CT Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation system provides slice flexibility from 40 to 80 to 160 (with Conexact) without any need to replace hardware. The system features standard adaptive diagnostic solutions, for example Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction (SEMAR), and SURESubtraction. The Aquilion Lightning 80 CT scanner also features the PUREViSION CT detector, and AIDR 3D Enhanced for dose reduction and improved patient safety.
Senior director of the Toshiba America Medical Systems CT, PET/CT, and MR Business Units, Dominic Smith, said, “The Aquilion Lightning 80 is designed to operate reliably and efficiently, producing high-quality images that can potentially help with faster diagnoses and treatment in a busy environment. Additionally, providers don’t have to choose between a cost-effective solution and premium CT technology, as the Aquilion Lightning 80 features AIDR 3D Enhanced to help reduce dose and improve patient safety as well as the PUREViSION CT Detector.”