Large Medical Imaging Vendor Unveils Advanced Radiation Oncology Solutions
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 11 Oct 2016
A large medical imaging equipment manufacturer has unveiled several new innovative solutions intended to provide more efficient and personalized cancer care.Posted on 11 Oct 2016
The new integrated imaging, simulation, planning and therapy solutions for radiation oncology are intended to help optimize treatment workflow, and increase operational efficiencies and the accuracy of procedures.
Image: Clinicians using the Philips Ingenia MR-RT for treatment planning (Photo courtesy of Royal Philips).
The new products were developed by Royal Philips (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). One of the innovations, the CT Big Bore v4.2 system with Tumor LOC and the iPatient Platform is a Computed Tomography (CT) cancer treatment simulation system that provides advanced marking tools to shorten treatment times. TumorLOC uses the Philips' Pinnacle3 treatment planning system and provides improved patient marking and CT simulation, from the scanner console. Another innovation, the iPatient platform, is intended for 4-D imaging applications.
The new dedicated Magnetic Resonance (MR) simulation platform, Ingenia MR-RT can help improved visualization of image targets, and critical structures, for improved treatment plans. The Ingenia MR-RT recently received achieved US FDA 510 (k) clearance for MR-only simulation for prostate treatment planning.
Rob Cascella, CEO of Diagnosis and Treatment at Philips, said, "As radiotherapy continues to evolve, our focus needs to remain on quality and timeliness, which can be eroded by the standard work process. To address these issues, Philips' radiation oncology solutions use intelligent automation to simplify workflow and enhance consistency from imaging through treatment planning so clinicians can be confident in consistently delivering the best possible care with a patient-centric approach."
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Royal Philips