X-Rays, Gamma Rays Alter Specific Small Molecules in the Blood
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 06 Mar 2013
Cancer researchers have identified molecules in the bloodstream that might effectively assess the probability of radiation illness after exposure to ionizing radiation. Posted on 06 Mar 2013
The animal study, led by researchers from the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center-Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James; Columbus, USA), revealed that gamma rays or X-rays alter the levels of specific molecules called microRNA in the blood in a predictable way.
If confirmed in human subjects, the findings could lead to new technology for quickly detecting individuals at risk for acute radiation syndrome after occupational exposures or accidents such as the recent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor incident. The microRNA markers might also help physicians strategize customized radiation therapy for individual patients by taking into account how different people respond to radiation treatment, the researchers reported.
The study’s findings were reported February 25, 2013, in the journal PLOS ONE. “Our paper reports the identification of a panel of microRNA markers in mice whose serum levels provide an estimate of radiation response and of the dose received after an exposure has occurred,” said senior author Dr. Arab Chakravarti, chair and professor of radiation oncology, and codirector of the Brain Tumor Program. “Accurate dose evaluation is critical for making medical decisions and for the timely administration of therapy to prevent or reduce acute and late effects.”
The findings might also one day allow clinicians to assess radiation toxicity during the course of therapy based on an individual’s biology. “This would particularly benefit leukemia and lymphoma patients who receive total body irradiation in preparation for stem-cell transplantation,” Dr. Chakravarti remarked.
First author Dr. Naduparambil Jacob, a research assistant professor in radiation oncology, noted that the study could be an important step in the development of biologic dosimetry, or biodosimetry, a technology for identifying people at risk for acute radiation illnesses that develop within weeks of radiation exposure, and cancers and degenerative diseases that can occur months or years later. “Biodosimetry is an emerging concept that could enable us to identify individuals who need immediate treatment after a radiation exposure and to better develop personalized radiation treatment plans for patients,” Dr. Jacob explained.
For this study, Drs. Chakravarti, Jacob and their colleagues evaluated dose-dependent changes in levels of 88 individual microRNAs in serum from mice after a single acute radiation exposure, and after fractionated doses of radiation that are typical of radiation treatment prior to stem-cell transplantation. Samples were collected from exposed and control animals 24 or 48 hours after exposure.
Significant findings of the study included: (1) After a one-time exposure, miRNA-150 showed a clear decrease over time with increasing radiation dose, with a drop of 30% after 24 hours and of 50% after 48 hours, even at the lowest exposure of one gray of radiation. (2) miRNA-200b and miRNA-762 showed increased levels after radiation exposure, with the changes more pronounced in animals receiving higher doses. (3) Lastly, animals receiving fractioned doses showed similar changes; e.g., miRNA-150 decreased about 50% after 24 hours in animals receiving 4 Gray.
Related Links:
Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center-Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute