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Mammography Review Software Includes Support for Latest Monitor Technology

By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 02 Apr 2009
New mammography review software supports 10-bit medical monitors, which display up to 1,024 simultaneous levels of gray versus the 256 offered by eight-bit monitors.

Merge Healthcare (Milwaukee, WI, USA), a medical imaging solutions provider, announced the latest update to its Cedara I-ReadMammo vendor solution for digital breast imaging review. The Version 6.5 is built on over 10 years of continuous development, making it one of the longest running, nonproprietary mammography review software in the industry. Since mammography is a high volume area of radiology subject to its own set of regulations, the software for reviewing these images must be highly specialized. Experience in meeting these regulations, while also allowing for efficient review, is critical.

Merge partnered with Barco (Kortrijk, Belgium), a global display and visualization company, for quality control in the development. "I'm very pleased to see the full support for 10-bit precision image display added in version 6.5 of Cedara I-ReadMammo," said Albert Xthona, product manager for digital mammography at Barco. "This image enhancement contributes to better mammography workflow, because the actual image interpretation goes faster."

Along with 10-Bit display support, Cedara I-ReadMammo provides further workflow enhancements like lesion contouring and image cross correlation. Features were also added to enhance serviceability, performance and printing. In total, Cedara I-ReadMammo 6.5 gives radiologists enhanced confidence in reading breast studies efficiently.

Cedara I-ReadMammo is available in both stand-alone and plug-in versions, giving healthcare information technology (IT) vendors the flexibility to incorporate it directly into a PACS viewer or interface it with existing solutions.

Merge Healthcare's solutions solve mission-critical issues for radiology practices, outpatient imaging centers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers worldwide. Our technologies and toolkits help companies provide innovative imaging applications to their customers.

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