Flat-Panel X-Ray Detector Under Development for Fluoroscopy Applications
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 11 Dec 2008
A new portable flat-panel digital radiography (DR) system capable of both viewing dynamic and capturing static X-ray images for fluoroscopy is under development with plans for future commercial release.Posted on 11 Dec 2008
Canon, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) launched the CXDI-11, the world's first static-image DR system, in 1998, and since that time has introduced nine generations of flat panel technology with a range of products, including general DR sensors for use in upright stands, universal stands, and imaging tables, as well as portable DR sensors. Now, with the development of its new system, Canon is crossing over to the dynamic imaging market.
Building on the excellent image quality and speed of the CXDI series for radiography, Canon has developed a compact, lightweight DR system capable of both viewing moving images and capturing static X-ray images. While the newly developed prototype accommodates conventional static X-ray image capture of the chest area and extremities, it also enables X-ray fluoroscopy, which radiographers can use to observe dynamic images of internal organs, such as those used in digestion, for optimal timing in capturing static images. Canon is currently developing the system for a commercial release, which it plans for the latter half of 2009.
Improving and expanding the lineup of its X-ray DR systems to include a system capable of capturing both fluoroscopic and radiographic images will allow Canon to further expand the market for these products, as well as support the advancement of medical institutions for digitization and soft copy diagnostic reading. In this way, Canon will continue to contribute to the medical community through increased diagnostic assistance and efficient patient procedures.
Canon displayed a prototype version of the new system at the 94th scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago, IL, USA, that took place on November 29 to December 4, 2008.
Canon Europe (Amstelveen, The Netherlands) is a subsidiary of Canon Inc. of Japan, a world-leading innovator, and provider of imaging solutions for individuals and businesses. The main business focus for Canon Europe is in two markets: business solutions (developing information technology [IT] products, solutions, and services for the office and professional print environments) and consumer imaging (photo, video, Bubble Jet printers, scanners, fax machines, and multifunction devices). Canon Europe also provides industrial products including broadcast lenses, semiconductor, and medical equipment.
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