Portable DR Developed for the Radiology Market

By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 25 Nov 2008
A portable, digital radiography (DR) detector has been developed that enhances workflow and supports uniquely flexible positioning for a full range of exams.

Viztek (Jacksonville, FL, USA), a medical imaging solutions company, reported that the 35.5-cm x 43-cm portable DR unit integrates easily with most existing wall stands and table buckys without modification, and is an affordable tool to enhance any radiology practice. It provides excellent quality images in as few as five seconds.

The Viztek DR panel is enclosed in a durable, lightweight shock- and water-resistant casing that weighs only 3.9 kg. This DR technology has the highest line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm) at 3.6 with a 100% fill factor, supporting efficient collection of light and imaging from multiple exams.

Moreover, the DR features a 14-bit a/d conversion for excellent image quality.
Working with standard grids, the portable Viztek DR detector offers extremely flexible positioning and is capable of upright, tabletop, and numerous special views. The detector, paired with Viztek's enterprise-level Opal picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), is a suitable, versatile solution for a full range of practices and medical specialties, including general imaging practices, imaging centers and orthopedic specialties. The combined DR and Opal PACS is designed to optimize workflow and firmly positions Viztek as the provider for complete radiology solutions. The new DR detector will begin shipping in the first quarter of 2009.

Viztek is a leading provider of complete digital software and hardware imaging systems, supported by comprehensive training and support.

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