Wireless Mobile Detector Technology Integrated into One Flexible System

By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 02 Oct 2008
Offering one digital radiography (DR) solution for virtually all clinical demands of the growing digital radiography market, a new digital wireless detector can be customized to suit the patient's needs--such as one or two detectors, with or without a patient table, and with fully automated or synchronized movements.

Siemens Healthcare (Erlangen, Germany) has received U.S. Food and Drug Demonstration (FDA) 510(k) market clearance for the Ysio, a new generation digital radiography system with a wireless detector (wi-D) for maximum positioning flexibility. Due to its versatility, the Ysio serves radiography needs no matter what the imaging volume, protocols, or patient profiles, and its performance features geared toward short examination times make it a suitable system for increasing daily patient throughput.

Ysio is available in a variety of configurations based on customers imaging requirements: as a wall stand with an integrated detector, a wall stand and table system with a wireless detector, or even as a mixed detector solution for high throughput and flexibility.

The system serves as an integrated command center where users can control their workflow from registration to image data management with features such as more than 500 automated system positions; power-assisted movements; a unique table design, together with the wi-D; and a color touch screen panel for convenient system utilization.

With more than 500 different preset examination positions, the system can save preparation time and effort. Simply pressing a button on the wireless remote will automatically move the X-ray tube into position. The system can be configured to bypass room fixtures during its automated travel to the imaging position. Thus, Ysio is also a customized solution in terms of space planning. Power-assisted servo movements help to further reduce the strain of heavy workloads while the collimation can be adjusted from anywhere in the room via remote control.

Ysio's ergonomic table design caters to the full spectrum of patient profiles from pediatrics and bariatrics, offering a 300-kg weight capacity and a 53-cm low table height for convenient positioning when shifting sick or elderly patients from wheelchair to table.

The wi-D handles like a cassette and can be removed from the table and placed directly underneath or next to the patient for exposures that are difficult or impossible to take using a fixed detector. For instance, patients with restricted mobility can be X-rayed without having to leave a wheelchair. The system also provides MaxTouch, an interactive, color touch-screen user interface, which supports easy access to key technical factors during examinations. MaxTouch displays easily recognizable icons for speed, accuracy, and access to a comprehensive range of options for adjustment.

As a digital radiography solution, Ysio provides excellent image quality with high-resolution images available within seconds of acquisition. Images acquired with the wi-D can be previewed in as little as five seconds without the need to change or process cassettes. With a detector matrix of more than 7 million pixels and a pixel size of 144 µm, the wi-D of Ysio provides exceptional images with high-contrast resolution within seconds Moreover, because the detector is situated close to the patient, there are virtually no distortions.

With DiamondView Plus, a post-processing function that optimizes image quality, the detail resolution of images is given a final adjustment of contrast enhancement and noise reduction. In addition, the system's CARE radiation reduction program combines various radiation reduction functions designed to keep exposure levels as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

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Siemens Healthcare

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