Advanced TomoTherapy Platform Improves RT Workflow
By MedImaging International staff writers
Posted on 08 Aug 2018
A next generation TomoTherapy platform is capable of treating virtually any radiation therapy (RT) indication including breast, lung, prostate, and head and neck cancers.Posted on 08 Aug 2018
The Accuray (Sunnyvale, CA) Radixact System is an innovative image guided, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT) system with best-in-class clinical workflows and highly conformal treatments enabled by a unique ultra-fast binary multi-leaf collimator (MLC). Additional features include a powerful 1,000 MU/min shielded linear accelerator, a continuous 360 degree ring gantry with low-dose helical fan beam technology that can revolve at speeds of 10 RPM, and three dimensional computerized tomography (3DCT) image guidance.
Image: The Radixact image guided, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IG-IMRT) system (Photo courtesy of Accuray).
Using a refined x-ray beamline and next-generation CTrue imaging technology, the system can deliver scalable and highly reliable treatments for patients with a variety of individual treatment needs. CTrue also provides a sophisticated iterative reconstruction option that combines low dose imaging with good soft-tissue contrast. The integrated imaging solution enables clinicians to deliver highly accurate dose distributions that conform precisely to the shape of the patient’s tumor and minimize dose to normal, healthy tissue.
“The Radixact System builds upon the unique strengths of the TomoTherapy platform. Expanded delivery capabilities enable treatment with image-guided, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, an extremely accurate form of radiation therapy to an expanded range of patients,” said Jennifer Smilowitz, PhD, of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (Madison, USA). “New database features make the ring gantry-based system even easier to operate and integrate within a radiation oncology department.”
The Radixact System is accompanied by the Radixact treatment delivery system, a fully integrated platform for intelligent treatment planning, data management, and treatment delivery; the PreciseART adaptive RT software, which provides clinicians with a unique midcourse decision-making tool and enables them to adapt RT delivery to changes in tumor size, shape, and location; and the PreciseRTX retreatment option, which helps accelerate and enhance the process of creating new treatment plans for patients who have received previous irradiation.