Parker Labs Partners with Tristel to Deliver Ultrasound Disinfectant for U.S. Market
Posted on 23 Sep 2022
Parker Laboratories Inc. (Fairfield, NJ, USA) has entered a commercial partnership with Tristel plc (Newmarket, UK) to manufacture and distribute the company's disinfectant foams for U.S. markets. Under the exclusive agreement, Parker will manufacture and distribute Tristel DUO, a disinfecting foam approved for the cleaning and disinfection of general medical surfaces, including ultrasound transducers. Tristel DUO is an alcohol- and bleach-free cleaner and disinfectant that has been shown to be bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal. It kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis in one minute. Published scientific research concludes that Tristel DUO is successful in inactivating Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 and type 18.
Tristel DUO meets the requirements for disinfection of ultrasound transducers used in percutaneous procedures, as detailed in a recently published Intersocietal Position Statement. The position statement advocates the use of cleaning and low-level disinfection with products that are effective against mycobacteria and bloodborne pathogens as safe and sufficient techniques for processing ultrasound transducers used in percutaneous procedures, such as ultrasound-guided peripheral IV insertions. Originally published in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine in February 2021, the position statement has since earned the support of 23 healthcare organizations, together representing more than 870,000 physicians, nurses, infection control professionals, and other healthcare professionals.

Tristel DUO is delivered in a novel dosing bottle with two separate compartments; one contains Tristel DUO Part A solution (sodium chlorite) and the other contains Tristel Duo Part B solution (citric acid). Upon pressing the pump, the two solutions mix, and a consistent dose of chlorine dioxide foam is generated. Tristel DUO has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the disinfection of general medical surfaces and equipment. Tristel DUO foam will not damage ultrasound transducers and can be used with any dry wipe, making it a convenient and economical solution for transducer disinfection.
"Tristel's products are used in 35 countries and for millions of disinfection procedures every year," said Neal Buchalter, president of Parker Laboratories. "We're proud of this new partnership with Tristel, as it reflects our continued commitment to improving the safety of any procedure involving ultrasound equipment."
"Tristel DUO is uniquely suited to meet the cleaning and disinfection needs of practitioners who perform ultrasound-guided percutaneous procedures," said Paul Swinney, chief executive of Tristel. "The foam is effective against mycobacteria and bloodborne pathogens, as described in the Intersocietal Position Statement. We're pleased to be partnering with Parker to make this product available to American practitioners, and we expect it will help to resolve some of the challenges they face when processing transducers according to current guidelines."
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Parker Laboratories Inc.