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Collaboration for Innovative Imaging

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 19 Aug 2005
Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany) and the French Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA, Paris, France) have intensified their joint research activities in the area of innovative imaging and therapy by signing a "Memorandum of Understanding.”

The first projects are planned to begin in the fall of 2005, and the goal is to further develop existing technologies. At the same time, both companies are involved in efforts that will provide them with earlier diagnostic and therapy possibilities through additional research in molecular medicine. The memorandum includes different core areas that will be further defined into projects in the coming months, including the area of ultra high-field MR tomography (MRT) and the development of 11.7 Tesla systems for human applications as well as 17 Tesla systems for small animal research

In the field of molecular imaging, Siemens and CEA will collaborate on further developments of disease diagnostics, especially cancer, utilizing current imaging technologies. CEA is currently developing and improving optical tomography systems for the detection of cancerous lesions. Working with Siemens, this technology will be further refined and the commercial potential will be studied. Further joint developments include lab-on-a-chip technology to effectively analyze body fluids, such as saliva or blood.

"It is our objective to increase the quality of medical care and to simultaneously reduce costs. Technological innovations are an important key in this understanding,” explained Prof. Dr. Erich R. Reinhardt, member of the board of Siemens AG and chairman of the board of Siemens Medical Solutions.

The French CEA is a public body founded in 1945 by General de Gaulle. The CEA has two objectives: to become the leading technologic research organization in Europe, and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future.

Related Links:
Siemens Medical Solutions
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique

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