PACS Mobile Workstation for the OR
By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 22 Dec 2004
A new PACS workstation has been developed to help hospitals improve digital imaging capabilities in the operating room (OR) for better patient care and rapid response to emergency situations. Posted on 22 Dec 2004
The Dome Surgery Review Cart system is a line of mobile display workstations that cost-effectively extend the benefits of picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) to hospital ORs. PACS capability in the OR provides surgeons with on-demand access to earlier studies, speeding up procedures and eliminating the costs associated with losing and printing films. The system solves application challenges specific to the OR, such as disruption, costs, and space limitations. In conventional ORs, film images need to be printed and stocked before a procedure. In addition, studies demonstrate that patient films get lost, adding reprinting costs and delaying the OR schedule.
The workstation, developed by Planar Systems (Beaverton, OR, USA), offers referral and diagnostic viewing of imaging modalities, including computed tomography (CT), x-rays, magnetic resonance (MR), nuclear, and ultrasound in an easy-to-clean, all-in-one system. All configurations come as dual-headed (two side-by-side monitors) systems and include Planar's Dome CXtra software, which ensures that image quality conforms to digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) standards.
"This is a breakthrough technology platform that will make the jobs of hospital clinicians, CIOs [chief information officers], and PACS administrators easier while helping them improve service to patients and avoid significant costs in remodeling and schedule disruptions,” said Matt Harris, vice president of marketing for Planar.
Related Links:
Planar Systems