First-Of-Its-Kind Voice Commands Added To POC Ultrasound Systems Enables Hands-Free Operation
Posted on 08 Feb 2024
In the crowded intensive care unit, the main ultrasound is not always within reach, which poses challenges. Now, simple voice commands from the other side of the bedside can eliminate one of the barriers to best practices within point-of-care ultrasound. Performing ultrasound without juggling controls will make it more natural and accessible for every level of user.
FUJIFILM Sonosite (Bothell, WA, USA) has launched the Sonosite Voice Assist application, a first-of-its-kind voice command feature that allows proceduralists to control their Sonosite PX and Sonosite LX systems hands-free during sterile or clean procedures, including central venous access, peripheral nerve blocks, among several complex patient procedures. The Voice Assist can be easily activated with a simple voice command, “Activate Voice,” allowing roceduralists are immediately control most of the critical functions hands-free during an exam.

In addition, FUJIFILM Sonosite’s Voice Assist feature enables users to freeze and save images, adjust gain settings, and add color flow by employing the proceduralists voice command. The feature helps lower healthcare provider costs and streamlines workflow by eliminating the need for an assistant in the room to help complete an exam or procedure. Moreover, the hands-free operation allows the proceduralist to focus only on the patient, creating a safer, more sterile environment.
“This groundbreaking advancement demonstrates FUJIFILM Sonosite’s commitment to not only enhancing its products but also improving patient care and empowering healthcare professionals to deliver the best possible medical services," said Rich Fabian, chief executive officer and president of FUJIFILM Sonosite. “Performing ultrasound without having to touch and configure controls not only helps to maintain a sterile environment and enhance flexibility but makes performing an exam more accessible for every level of user.”